Sunday, March 1, 2009

So this week there were a lot of things going on. I started bottling my wine on Thursday. I got 22 1/2 bottles out of my approximate 5 gallons. To some of the bottles I added a raspberry flavoring and some I left as is. It tasted pretty good for my first batch of home made wine if I do say so myself. I've already started giving some bottles away but Rachel has informed me that I need to save some bottles for when she is no longer pregnant.

Last night we had a poker tournament here at the house and Rachel was the perfect hostess. The turnout for the game was great and I ended up taking 2nd place. Kaine is doing really well and is getting bigger everyday. Rachel is a little nervous of how big he is actually going to get. Aiden and Kaine are wresting all the time which is good I guess. I think Aiden is going to be in for a rude awakening when Kaine gets full grown.

This Thursday is the big day for Kaine, he gets the old snip! I know, I'm taking away his manhood but it's honestly for the best. So that's what's going on in the Benda house.